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Releases: mcgrew/dwrandomizer

Fixed a crash

07 Jun 18:13
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Fixed an issue where the program crashed when formatting the title screen with short seed numbers.

Game length improvements

06 Jun 23:03
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  • Added --fast-leveling (-f) and --very-fast-leveling (-F) options.
    • The XP requirements for each level will be 75% and 50% of normal, respectively.
  • Refined the player growth curves so that the average level to finish the game is level 15.
  • Raised the encounter rate in zone 0 to the same as other zones
  • Added randomizer version, flags, and seed number to the title screen
  • Fixed xp/gold drops for Drakeema
    • These values have been wrong since the first version - thanks to @gameboy9 for catching this

We're stable boyz! 1.0!!

26 Apr 23:50
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Added an IPS checksum and IPS file generation.
This version has no gameplay differences from 1.0-rc2

Minor bug fixes and tweaks

29 Feb 07:10
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What's New?

  • Added a new exit from the Tantegel throne room. Now you can die even faster!
  • Moved the maximum spell level in ultra to 16 from 20. Too many grindfests resulted from learning HEALMORE at 20.
  • Fixed a bug in normal rando where HEALMORE was being moved to level 8 instead of REPEL.
  • Removed the Silver Harp and replaced it with a key.
  • Changed Erdrick's Token chest to contain a key instead of gold if the token is on the ground.
  • Fixed a bug where towns were occasionally being placed on top of other towns/castles.

1.0 Release Candidate 1! Randomly Generated Map & More!

12 Jan 06:34
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Generated Overworld!

A new overworld map can be generated with each seed. This is enabled by default
The enemy for forced encounters are now randomized in ultra mode. Also, on generated maps, the golem encounter is moved into Charlock's Throne Room (kind of a miniboss guarding Dragonlord).

No more command line needed!

When the randomizer is run without options (or drag & drop), you will be prompted for options, removing the need to run from the command line to customize options.

Other stuff...

Random enemies in Charlock are now limited to Werewolf and above for ultra mode (it was too easy).

The token location (or whatever replaces it) is now randomized. An NPC in Cantlin will tell you where it is.

Fixed a grammatical error which has irritated me since 1989.

Ultra Rando Mode Engage!

31 Dec 01:26
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New Ultra Rando Mode!

New options for a "no holds barred" approach to player growth, enemy spells,
enemy zones, and spell learning. This makes them (almost) completely random.
All spells will be learned by level 20, and enemies in zones 0 and 1 are limited
to no tougher than scorpions.

This version also includes minor tweaks to zone randomization in normal mode.

Bug Fix!

23 Dec 03:15
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Bug Fix! Pre-release

Fixed an issue where the game could end up with no Erdrick's Armor or no Fairy Flute.

More randomization!

22 Dec 22:30
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More randomization! Pre-release
  • Added randomization of player HP, MP, strength, and agility (+/- 20%).
  • Added randomization of spell learning levels (+/- 2).
  • Added shuffling of Erdrick's Armor, Fairy Flute, and Erdrick's Token locations.
  • Patched Northern Shrine to be accessible without the harp.

Cave shuffle fix and Kol shop fix

07 Dec 19:03
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  • The weapon shop in Kol is now randomized.
  • Fixed an issue with the swamp cave south exit being moved improperly.

More bug fixes, tweaks, and random shops!

07 Dec 03:52
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Weaon shops are now randomized! (Except for Kol, which will be fixed next release)
REPEL will now be learned at level 8.
HEAL will now have a range of 10-25 instead of 10-17.
Shortened the output filename for better readability on Everdrive.
Removed the possibility of Axe Knight having strong fire breath
Several tweaks to avoid a few potentially unwinnable situations.
Dragonlord HP tweaks:

  • Dragonlord form 1 will now have 100HP
  • Dragonlord form 2 will be random between 150-165HP (Always the same on the same seed)

Fixed some issues with pattern randomization
Fixed stopspell resistance

  • Enemies with newly obtained magic now have lower stopspell resistance