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Dario Giovannetti edited this page Nov 15, 2014 · 17 revisions

After installation, an icon should have been added to the applications menu: this will run Outspline with the default options. Alternatively, Outspline can be launched from the command line with the outspline command.

Command options

The -c option sets Outspline to use a specific configuration file:

$ outspline -c /path/to/config_file

For a full list of the supported options, run:

$ outspline --help


Once Outspline is started for the first time, a blank window will appear. In order to start working on a database, a new one must be created by selecting New from the File menu (or pressing Ctrl+Shift+n).


  • Add some screenshots
  • Describe the generic elements in the interface (notebooks, database tree, logs)
  • Describe the meaning of the tree icons
  • Describe the history log
  • Describe the alarms log
    • Note that deleting an item with active alarms and then undoing the edit will not restore the alarm (but it will still appear in the alarms log with a [deleted] tag.
  • Describe the editor tab
    • The rules defined in the scheduler are computed from top to bottom (cascading).
  • Describe the schedule view and the navigator