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Dario Giovannetti edited this page Nov 22, 2014 · 13 revisions

In order to execute Outspline you must first install it. Alternatively, set up a development environment.


Outspline is released in components, which are groups of addons. The main component, which contains the core application and the Organism addons, is simply called outspline. Optionally, the following components add more features:

  • outspline-extra — Provides addons that might be less useful than the ones included in the main component.
  • outspline-experimental — Provides addons that are usable but still in an incomplete state.
  • outspline-development — Provides addons that help development or testing.

Outspline is currently pre-packaged only for Arch Linux; for other operating systems, see Manual installation.

Arch Linux

Read Installation in Arch Linux.

Other operating systems

Read Manual installation.

Development environment

Instead of installing Outspline, you may want to run it from a user folder, for testing or development purposes: see Development environment.


After the installation, read Usage to familiarize with the application.