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Configuration: Core

Dario Giovannetti edited this page Nov 24, 2014 · 1 revision

log_level_stdout = 1: Verbosity of stdout log messages; 0 disabled; 1 essential reports; 2 normal verbosity; 3 debug mode.

log_level_file = 0: Verbosity of file log messages; 0 disabled; 1 essential reports; 2 normal verbosity; 3 debug mode.

log_file = ~/.config/outspline/outspline.log: The path to the log file to be used.


default_extension = osl: The Outspline file extension to be considered as default.


The history of the edits to a database is kept limited to a certain number of actions. When a new action is done, only the soft_limit most recent actions are kept, plus any exceeding actions that were done in the last time_limit minutes, but still discarding the oldest ones if the resulting number of actions to keep exceeds hard_limit. When closing a database, all the actions, except for the soft_limit most recent ones, are purged. The soft_limit is stored in the properties of each database, while time_limit and hard_limit are defined globally in the configuration file.

default_soft_limit = 60: This is the soft_limit that is saved in the properties of each database upon creation, and can be viewed and changed there.

time_limit = 15: When a new action is done, the actions done in the last number of minutes defined here will be kept, unless their total number exceeds hard_limit.

hard_limit = 120: The number of actions saved in the history of an open database will never exceed this number.