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Dario Giovannetti edited this page Nov 22, 2014 · 17 revisions

After installation, an icon should have been added to the applications menu.

Alternatively, Outspline can be launched from the command line.


Follow the Feature tour to become familiar with the main features of Outspline and its addons.

See also Keyboard shortcuts if you prefer using the keyboard over the mouse.

Command line

Outspline can be executed from the command line with:

$ outspline

This is the also command used by the icon in the applications menu.

By default, Outspline uses a configuration file located in ~/.config/outspline/outspline.conf; if it does not exist, it creates it with the default values. The -c option allows using a specific configuration file:

$ outspline -c /path/to/config_file

For a full list of the supported options, run:

$ outspline --help