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Configuration: Interfaces

Dario Giovannetti edited this page Nov 16, 2014 · 6 revisions

enabled = on: Enable/disable the interface.

initial_geometry = 900x700: The initial dimensions of the main window. If maximized is set to yes, this value will be ignored. If remember_geometry is set to yes, this will be updated upon application exit.

maximized = no: Whether the main window should be maximized upon application start. If remember_geometry is set to yes, this will be updated upon application exit.

tree_sash_position = 3.0: The fraction of the total window width that should be used by the database tree upon application start, if there are tabs open in the right database. If remember_geometry is set to yes, this will be updated upon application exit.

tree_auto_sash_gravity = yes: If set to yes, the width spanned by the database tree pane will resize when the main window is resized. If set to no, it will preserve its width.

logs_sash_position = 6.0: The fraction of the left (databases) notebook height that should be used by the database log upon application start, the logs are set to be shown.

logs_auto_sash_gravity = no: If set to yes, the height spanned by the database log pane will resize when the main window is resized. If set to no, it will preserve its height.

remember_geometry = yes: If set to yes, initial_geometry, maximized, tree_sash_position and show_logs will be saved to the current values upon application exit.

autohide_menubar = no: If set to yes, the main menu bar will be hidden by default, and it will only be shown when moving the mouse past the top edge of the window, or when pressing F10, or when there are no databases open.

remember_session = yes: If set to yes, the databases open upon application exit will be reopened at the next restart. The open databases will be stored in a [Interfaces.wxgui.SessionFiles] section.

show_logs = yes: Whether to show the database logs upon application start. If remember_geometry is set to yes, this will be updated upon application exit.

max_editor_tab_length = 20: The maximum number of characters to show in an item editor's tab in the right notebook.

text_process_tab = no: If set to no, the text area of an item editor processes Tab as a way to navigate to the next interface widget. If set to yes, pressing Tab inserts a tabulation character; in this case, using Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab and Esc will still work for keyboard navigation.

text_min_upd_time = 2: The interval in seconds at which the text of an item open in an editor is checked for changes. Setting this value to a high value is safe, as changes will be checked also when trying to save or close the editor, regardless of this option.

max_exceptions = 1: The maximum number of critical error dialogs to show at the same time; it is possible that more than one is shown if critical errors happen in multiple threads.

plugin_focus_color = system: If set to system, the bars of the plugins that appear at the top of item editors will be highlighted with the default system color when they receive focus. Using a string with the #000000 format allows using a custom color.

contextual_shortcuts = off: If set to on, contextual keyboard shortcuts will be available throughout the interface. See Configuration: Contextual shortcuts.


debug = no: If set to yes, the integer representing the status of a history action will be displayed next to each entry in the log.

color_done = #FF7E00: The color to be used for the small rectangle at the left of each history action that is currently applied but not saved as such. It must be a string in the #000000 format, or it can be set to none to disable the rectangle.

color_undone = none: The color to be used for the small rectangle at the left of each history action that is currently undone. It must be a string in the #000000 format, or it can be set to none to disable the rectangle.

color_saved = #0F52BA: The color to be used for the small rectangle at the left of each history action that is currently saved. It must be a string in the #000000 format, or it can be set to none to disable the rectangle.


symbol = +: The symbol to be used at the left of items in the database tree to show that they have a multiline text. If leaving the value blank, the icon will be disabled.

color = #0F52BA: The color to be used for the symbol icon described above. It must be a string in the #000000 format.


If Interfaces.wxgui.remember_session is set to yes, the databases open in the session will be saved here with keys in the format db#, where # is an integer starting from 0.

db0 = /path/to/database1.osl
db1 = /path/to/database2.osl