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GSF Multiplexer

Register name used to load filter: gsfmx
This filter may be automatically loaded during graph resolution.

This filter provides GSF (GPAC Serialized Format) multiplexing.
It serializes the stream states (config/reconfig/info update/remove/eos) and packets of input PIDs. This allows either saving to file a session, or forwarding the state/data of streams to another instance of GPAC using either pipes or sockets. Upstream events are not serialized.

The default behavior does not insert sequence numbers. When running over general protocols not ensuring packet order, this should be inserted.
The serializer sends tune-in packets (global and per PID) at the requested carousel rate - if 0, no carousel. These packets are marked as redundant so that they can be discarded by output filters if needed.


The stream format can be encrypted in AES 128 CBC mode. For all packets, the packet header (header, size, frame size/block offset and optional seq num) are in the clear and the following bytes until the last byte of the last multiple of block size (16) fitting in the payload are encrypted.
For data packets, each fragment is encrypted individually to avoid error propagation in case of losses.
For other packets, the entire packet is encrypted before fragmentation (fragments cannot be processed individually).
For header/tunein packets, the first 25 bytes after the header are in the clear (signature,version,IV and pattern).
The IV is constant to avoid packet overhead, randomly generated if not set and sent in the initial stream header. Pattern mode can be used (cf CENC cbcs) to encrypt K block and leave N blocks in the clear.

Filtering properties

The header/tunein packet may get quite big when all PID properties are kept. In order to help reduce its size, the minp option can be used: this will remove all built-in properties marked as droppable (cf property help) as well as all non built-in properties.
The skp option may also be used to specify which property to drop:


This will remove properties of type 4CC1 and properties (built-in or not) of name Name2.

File mode

By default the filter only accepts framed media streams as input PID, not files. This can be changed by explicitly loading the filter with ext or dst set.

gpac -i source.mp4 gsfmx:dst=manifest.mpd -o dump.gsf

This will DASH the source and store every files produced as PIDs in the GSF mux.
In order to demultiplex such a file, the gsfdmxfilter will likely need to be explicitly loaded:

gpac -i mux.gsf gsfdmx -o dump/$File$:dynext

This will extract all files from the GSF mux.

By default when working in file mode, the filter only accepts PIDs of type file as input.
To allow a mix of files and streams, use mixed:

gpac -i source.mp4 gsfmx:dst=manifest.mpd:mixed -o dump.gsf

This will DASH the source, store the manifest file and the media streams with their packet properties in the GSF mux.


sigsn (bool, default: false): signal packet sequence number after header field and before size field. Sequence number is per PID, encoded on 16 bits. Header packet does not have a SN
sigdur (bool, default: true): signal duration
sigbo (bool, default: false): signal byte offset
sigdts (bool, default: true): signal decoding timestamp
dbg (enum, default: no): set debug mode

  • no: disable debug
  • nodata: force packet size to 0
  • nopck: skip packet

key (mem): encrypt packets using given key
IV (mem): set IV for encryption - a constant IV is used to keep packet overhead small (cbcs-like)
pattern (frac, default: 1/0): set nb_crypt / nb_skip block pattern. default is all encrypted
mpck (uint, default: 0): set max packet size. 0 means no fragmentation (each AU is sent in one packet)
magic (str): magic string to append in setup packet
skp (str): comma separated list of PID property names to skip
minp (bool, default: false): include only the minimum set of properties required for stream processing
crate (dbl, default: 0): carousel period for tune-in info in seconds
ext (str): file extension for file mode
dst (str): target URL in file mode
mixed (bool, default: false): allow GSF to contain both files and media streams

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Filters Overview

General Filters Concepts
gpac General Usage
Built-in Properties

GPAC Configuration

Configuration File
Global Options

Filters Help

Inspect packets (inspect)
Probe source (probe)
Compositor (compositor)
ISOBMFF/QT demultiplexer (mp4dmx)
MPEG-4 BIFS decoder (bifsdec)
MPEG-4 OD decoder (odfdec)
File input (fin)
BT/XMT/X3D loader (btplay)
HTTP input (httpin)
SVG loader (svgplay)
JPG/J2K/PNG/BMP reframer (rfimg)
PNG/JPG decoder (imgdec)
ADTS reframer (rfadts)
LATM reframer (rflatm)
MP3 reframer (rfmp3)
FAAD decoder (faad)
MAD decoder (maddec)
OpenJPEG2000 decoder (j2kdec)
AC3 reframer (rfac3)
A52 decoder (a52dec)
AMR/EVRC reframer (rfamr)
OGG demultiplexer (oggdmx)
Vorbis decoder (vorbisdec)
Theora decoder (theoradec)
MPEG-2 TS demultiplexer (m2tsdmx)
UDP/TCP input (sockin)
DVB for Linux (dvbin)
OpenSVC decoder (osvcdec)
VideoToolBox decoder (vtbdec)
MediaCodec decoder (mcdec)
MPEG-4 LASeR decoder (lsrdec)
SAF demultiplexer (safdmx)
MPEG-DASH and HLS client (dashin)
CENC decryptor (cdcrypt)
CENC encryptor (cecrypt)
ISOBMFF/QT multiplexer (mp4mx)
QCP reframer (rfqcp)
H263 reframer (rfh263)
M1V/M2V/M4V reframer (rfmpgvid)
NHNT reader (nhntr)
NHML reader (nhmlr)
AVC/HEVC reframer (rfnalu)
MPEG PS demultiplexer (m2psdmx)
AVI demultiplexer (avidmx)
Subtitle loader (txtin)
TTXT/TX3G decoder (ttxtdec)
WebVTT decoder (vttdec)
TTML decoder (ttmldec)
RTP/RTSP/SDP input (rtpin)
File output (fout)
Raw AAC to LATM writer (uflatm)
ADTS writer (ufadts)
MHAS writer (ufmhas)
Media Reframer (reframer)
Stream to file (writegen)
AVC/HEVC to AnnexB writer (ufnalu)
QCP writer (writeqcp)
WebVTT unframer (ufvtt)
NHNT writer (nhntw)
NHML writer (nhmlw)
VobSub parser (vobsubdmx)
AVI multiplexer (avimx)
Audio output (aout)
M4V writer (ufm4v)
VC1 writer (ufvc1)
Audio resampler (resample)
Video output (vout)
Video crop (vcrop)
Video flip (vflip)
RAW video reframer (rfrawvid)
PCM reframer (rfpcm)
JPG encoder (jpgenc)
PNG encoder (pngenc)
Audio/Video rewinder (rewind)
Sources concatenator (flist)
MPEG-2 TS multiplexer (m2tsmx)
DASH and HLS segmenter (dasher)
HEVC tile aggregator (tileagg)
HEVC tile bitstream splitter (tilesplit)
pipe input (pin)
pipe output (pout)
GSF Multiplexer (gsfmx)
GSF demultiplexer (gsfdmx)
UDP/TCP output (sockout)
AV1/IVF/VP9 reframer (rfav1)
IVF/OBU/annexB writer (ufobu)
NVidia decoder (nvdec)
ROUTE input (routein)
RTP Streamer (rtpout)
RTSP Server (rtspout)
HTTP Server (httpout)
HEVC tile splitter (hevcsplit)
HEVC Tile merger (hevcmerge)
FLAC reframer (rfflac)
MPEH-H Audio Stream reframer (rfmhas)
ProRes reframer (rfprores)
MPEG Transport Stream splitter (tssplit)
Compressed bitstream rewriter (bsrw)
Compressed layered bitstream splitter (bssplit)
Compressed layered bitstream aggregator (bsagg)
TX3G unframer (ufttxt)
TX3G to SRT (tx3g2srt)
TX3G to WebVTT (tx3g2vtt)
TX3G to TTML (tx3g2ttml)
WebVTT to TX3G (vtt2tx3g)
SRT reframer (rfsrt)
TTML to WebVTT (ttml2vtt)
TTML to SRT (ttml2srt)
MPEG-H Audio decoder (mpeghdec)
FFMPEG demultiplexer (ffdmx)
FFMPEG decoder (ffdec)
FFMPEG AV Capture (ffavin)
FFMPEG video rescaler (ffsws)
FFMPEG encoder (ffenc)
FFMPEG multiplexer (ffmx)
FFMPEG AVFilter (ffavf)
FFMPEG BitStream filter (ffbsf)
JavaScript filter (jsf)
ROUTE output (routeout)
TrueHD reframer (rftruehd)
CryptFile input (cryptin)
CryptFile output (cryptout)
Packet timestamp rewriter (restamp)
OGG multiplexer (oggmx)
Stream unframer (unframer)
Stream to unframed format (writeuf)
UNCV decoder (uncvdec)
GHI demultiplexer (ghidmx)
EVG video rescaler (evgs)
Closed-Caption decoder (ccdec)
DekTec SDIOut (dtout)
OpenHEVC decoder (ohevcdec)
Uncompressed Video File Format Generator Utility (uncvg)
GPU texture uploader (glpush)
Thumbnail collection generator (thumbs)
Audio Video Mixer (avmix)
AV Counter Generator (avgen)

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