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Compiling GPAC for MacOS X

Romain Bouqueau edited this page Mar 5, 2024 · 6 revisions


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This page describes how to setup a complete build environment for GPAC using Macports (update: Brew command-line below tested on Mac OS 10.11) in order to generate DMG installer images for both 10.5 and 10.6 versions of MacOS X.

Getting GPAC source code

Using a git client, checkout GPAC from the repository:

git clone

Configuring macports


If macports is installed, uninstall it:

sudo port -f uninstall installed
sudo rm -rf /opt/local /Applications/DarwinPorts /Applications/MacPorts /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.* /Library/Receipts/DarwinPorts*.pkg /Library/Receipts/MacPorts*.pkg Library/StartupItems/DarwinPortsStartup /Library/Tcl/darwinports1.0 /Library/Tcl/macports1.0 ~/.macports

Install macport. You MUST install a version >=1.9.x

Custom flags for OSX 10.5 and 10.6 compatibility

If you plan to generate GPAC binaries compatible with 10.5, add the following lines at the end of /opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf:

macosx_deployment_target 10.4
sdkroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk

This allows compiling a 10.5 binary with a 10.4 compatible dyld (dyn. loader). Furthermore, you will need to install the 10.5 development SDK. Such binaries should work on any 32 bits x86 versions of OS X.

Custom flags for OSX 10.6 32 bits only

If you are on a 10.6 platform with default targeting to x86_64 (i.e. x86_64 compatible cpu, whatever is your kernel configuration), you still may want to generate i386 binaries. Uncomment the build_arch i386 line of /opt/local/etc/macports/macports.conf. Also comment the universal_archs feature as MacPorts may end up in an unpredictable state and you won't be able to compile GPAC with most features:

build_arch i386
# CPU architectures to use for Universal Binaries (+universal variant)
#universal_archs i386 

Installing GPAC extra libs

MacPorts packages

To install a package, type:

sudo port install my_package_name

The command-line to install all the packages (compulsory and optional) can be found below in this chapter.

The zlib package is required to build GPAC.

To install all required packages, type:

sudo port install pkgconfig freetype libpng jpeg spidermonkey185 libsdl-devel ffmpeg faad2 libmad xvid libogg libvorbis libtheora a52dec openjpeg

WARNING: it is possible that some ports are not working for your system. In this case, you should get  the latest version of the source code of the package, and recompile it locally.

If you have configured macports to generate binaries compatible with 10.5, you must edit /opt/local/bin/sdl-config and replace the line below --cflags with the following: echo -I${prefix}/include/SDL -D_THREAD_SAFE -arch i386 If you want to cross-compile from a 64 bits environment to a 32 bits target, you may encounter this bug with the ffmpeg package (old versions), or this bug with newer ffmpeg versions.

Brew packages

Alternately to Ports, you may want to use Brew:

brew install jpeg libpng faad2 sdl pkgconfig freetype libvorbis theora openjpeg libmad xvid libogg spidermonkey ffmpeg

Deprecated Setting up UPnP (Optional)

Install Java developer package if your OSX version is > 10.6.3.

Install the Scons build system: sudo port install scons

Get the platinum source code patched for gpac here:, and extract it. Edit file Platinum/Platinum/Build/Targets/universal-apple-macosx/Config.scons as follows:

If building for 10.6 64bits, keep the following flags:

universal_flags = [('-arch', 'x86_64'), ('-isysroot', '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk'), '-mmacosx-version-min=10.6']

Otherwise, set the flags to:

universal_flags = [('-arch', 'i386'), ('-isysroot', '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk'), '-mmacosx-version-min=10.5']

Depending on your GCC version, you may need to edit the file Platinum/Platinum/Build/Boot.scons and replace the line

BoolVariable?('stop_on_warning', 'Stop the build on warnings', True),

with the following:

BoolVariable?('stop_on_warning', 'Stop the build on warnings', False),

then go to Platinum/Platinum and type:

cp Build/Targets/universal-apple-macosx/Debug/*.a gpac/extra_lib/lib/gcc

Setting up OpenSVCDecoder (Optional)

Get the latest GPAC extra libs package.

Unzip and go to ./opensvcdecoder. Build using

cmake .

then copy the library to /opt/local/lib (or any place included in your link settings):

sudo cp ./CommonFiles/src/libOpenSVCDec.dylib /opt/local/lib

The OpenSVCDecoder in gpac_extra_libs package is version 1.11 (latest) patched for MSVC and OS X compilation.

Building gpac

Configure gpac

If you plan to generate GPAC binaries compatible with 10.5, type the following configure:

./configure --extra-cflags="-arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk" --extra-ldflags="-mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk"

This allows compiling a 10.5 binary with a 10.4 compatible dyld (dynamic loader).

If you don't plan to generate GPAC binaries compatible with 10.5, type the following configure: ./configure

Build GPAC by typing make

If you have setup UPnP, type make -C modules/platinum

If you have setup OpenSVC decoder, type make -C modules/opensvc_dec

Installing gpac

If you want to generate a DMG package for GPAC, regardless of 10.5 compatibility, type ./mkdmg or make dmg

This will produce a file called GPAC-$VERSION-r$REVISION.dmg

If you want to install GPAC directly on your system, type sudo make install


Now you deserve a coffee, enjoy it :)

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