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27. Quirks and Known Bugs

eiximenis edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 1 revision

We are continually developing and refining the docker experience in Visual Studio--and squashing bugs in the process. There are a few notable quirks that you need to be aware of:

Docker support for WCF

The file that is generated when adding docker support to the WCF service will not compile and run from the get-go. This is due to the fact that "Add Docker Support" is really only scoped to ASP.NET apps. In order for WCF to run, you have to ensure that certain features are running. To do this, make sure the dockerfile for your WCF service has these lines:

#These features are required for WCF
RUN Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server; \
Add-WindowsFeature NET-WCF-TCP-Activation45; \
Add-WindowsFeature NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45; \
Add-WindowsFeature Web-WebSockets

We are working to bring a more intelligent functionality when adding docker support.

Referencing Localhost in App.Config

The WinForms project of the modernized solution contains an App.config file which, among other things, lets WinForms know where to address our WCF service. In a dev environent, this would point to "localhost:port/CatalogService.svc". This is broken on Windows. The workaround is to deploy the docker-compose project and wait until the ServiceClient window pops up and grab the IP, as demonstrated on an earlier page, testing the application

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