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24. Test the Application

eiximenis edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 1 revision

We have successfully:

  • converted our WCF service to run in a container
  • converted our SQL database to run in a container
  • added high DPI support to the WinForms application

Now that we have everything together, let's test and verify that it all works together.

Run containers and get IP Address

Start a new debug instance for our docker-compose project. When the build process finishes and the containers run, you will see a browser window pop up with the WCF service. This will provide us the IP address at which our WCF service is running.

After you have that IP, you can copy it into App.config inside the WinForms project at the definition of the endpoint:

<endpoint address="http://<INSERT_IP_ADDRESS_HERE>:80/CatalogService.svc"
                binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_ICatalogService"
                contract="eShopServiceReference.ICatalogService" name="BasicHttpBinding_ICatalogService" />

Run the WinForms app

Once you've edited the App.config to point to the container, you'll be able to succesfully launch the WinForms app. Should everything go as expected, you'll be greeted with a High DPI-aware WinForms app!

Next Steps

Keep reading to learn about how to add Kubernetes support

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