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User_Enable Auto Submit Phase Migration

William French edited this page Jun 27, 2014 · 6 revisions

Enabling Automatic Submission and Phase Migration

The automatic submission feature automatically adds submissions to the leaderboard. Phase migration facilitates migrating submissions from phase to phase, saving participants from having to download and re-upload submissions when moving between phases.

How to Enable Automatic Submission

Follow these steps to enable automatic submission for a competition.

  1. Open competition.yaml in a text editor.

  2. Use the force_submission_to_leaderboard key to toggle the feature by adding the following line at the top (as a peer to title, description, etc.).

    force_submission_to_leaderboard: true

    A value of true enables the feature; false disables it.

  3. Save your changes.

If the competition has already been uploaded to CodaLab, you can toggle this feature by editing the competition and checking/un-checking Force submission to leaderboard under General Information.

How to Enable Phase Migration

  1. Open competition.yaml in a text editor.

  2. For each phase, use the auto_migration key to enable/disable automatic migration for each phase.

         auto_migration: true # Enable auto
         auto_migration: false # don't do migrations for this phase

    A value of true enables the feature; false disables it.

  3. Save your changes.

If the competition has already been uploaded to CodaLab, you can toggle this feature by editing the competition and checking/un-checking Auto migration under the appropriate Competition Phase.

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