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Instance Hosts Commands and Debugging

Dalison edited this page Nov 14, 2021 · 3 revisions


These are several useful commands you may find helpful for debugging.

Docker Commands


To view all currently running containers with docker run docker ps. This will return you a list of containers and info about them.

To view a specific container's logs, use docker logs -f <container-name> where <container-name> is the name of the container you wish to view. IE: docker logs -f django to view django logs. The -f flag is for follow.

To view all logs outputs from the project currently ( Good for debugging several containers ) use docker-compose logs -f. This will stream all logs from all active containers.

List of containers, description, and log use.

Container Description Use
django Web Service Main container. View many debug prints from various processes.
postgres Database Useful to debug database issues
worker_compute Compute Worker Useful to debug object creation, etc.
worker_site Site worker Task manager logs
nginx Nginx service HTTP Service logs
flower Flower Service View flower logs
rabbit Rabbit Service View rabbit logs

To stop streaming logs, press control+c.

Other Commands

Other docker commands that you may find useful:

Use docker-compose <command>. You may also use docker-compose <command> <container> <args/flags>

Command Description Suggested Usage
up Brings everything into an 'up' state. -d is for detatched. docker-compose up -d
start Starts all containers not running docker-compose start
stop Stops all active containers docker-compose stop

docker exec -it <container-name> <program-name>: Run an interactive terminal inside the container, with the specified program. IE: docker exec -it django bash for a bash terminal inside the django container.

Local Testing

To perform automatic py tests locally, go inside of the django docker container with docker exec -it django bash. This will put you in an interactive ( -it ) bash shell within the container.

Next run py.test to perform all tests, or if you know the name of the test you'd like to run, py.test -k <test-name>. The testing printout should revert back to the django container bash prompt. From here type exit to exit the container.

Python Commands

These commands are all run through the django container by having bash execute python. To get into the django container with a bash prompt use docker exec -it django bash.

To execute the command use python <command> with any appropriate flags or arguments.

Command Description <parms> & --flags Usage
createsuperuser Creates a new super user N/A: Interactive Prompt createsuperuser
migrate Performs a migration <app>, <migration_number> migrate web 0059
schemamigration Creates a migration <app>, <object>, --auto schemamigration web object
create_competition_zip Creates a comp bundle -p or --numphases num phases, -l or --phaselength phase length in mins, -d or --delete don't delete temp files, -a or --automigrate auto migrate create_competition_zip -p 2 -l 5 -d -a
create_competition Creates a competition --title title, --description description, --logo logo file for comp, --force_user_create create user if non-existant, --creator creator email, --numphases number of phases, --phasedates Comma-seprated list of the startdates (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DD) create_competition ..
create_solution Creates a submission d don't delete temp files, -w Wrong. Makes a submission that fails. create_solution -d -w
create_codalab_user Creates a user password create_codalab_user "bongo"


Sometimes it is necessary to destroy, and re-create the database. In those cases use the following commands from a bash terminal inside the database docker container. IE: docker exec -it postgres bash

dropdb <db_name>

Removes the database with <db_name>

createdb <db_name>

Creates a database with <db_name>



In the scripts directory there are many outdated scripts, however these are useful:


Takes a file and participant email, turns it into a new submission through the normal process as if the user submitted it via the form. Optionally a competition ID can be specified, but it defaults to 1 assuming it's a single competition server.

usage: [-h] [-c COMPETITION]
                          submission_zip participant_email

positional arguments:
  submission_zip        Submission zip file to use for stressing
  participant_email     Participant, identified by email address

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Competition ID, defaults to 1
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