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Testing an app on Heroku new stack

chinyakao edited this page Jun 2, 2022 · 1 revision
  • method1: Review apps ( but we are not review apps, so we used method 2 )
  • method2: Manually created test app under surveymoonbear as following steps

step1 Creating a test app

$ heroku create --remote heroku-20 --stack heroku-20 <your app name>

Git remote named “heroku-20”

step2 Migrating add-ons and config vars

You should Get Remote Access first : Create a Heroku remote to existing Heroku repo

$ heroku git:remote -a moonbear

set git remote heroku to remote named “heroku”

To list your existing app’s add-ons, run:

$ heroku addons --remote heroku

For each of the add-ons listed, create a corresponding counterpart on your test app:

$ heroku addons:create --remote heroku-20 papertrail 

do the same command to redis and postgresql (also can do this addon with GUI)

For any config var present on your existing app that isn’t yet set on your test app, set it on the test app:

$ heroku config:set --remote heroku-20 <name>=<value>

(also can do this config set with GUI)

step 3 Deploying the test app

Push the source to the test app’s remote:

$ git push heroku-20 master

Once the app is deployed, you should verify that it is working correctly, and if not, make any required changes or open a support ticket with the stack name in the subject line.

step 4 Run your migrations on Heroku

$ heroku run rake db:migrate
$ heroku restart

Open your web app

$ heroku open