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Heroku staging app setup

chinyakao edited this page Jun 2, 2022 · 1 revision


  1. Create a new heroku dyno name staging

    heroku create <appname-staging> --remote <staging>
  2. Push master branch to remote git

    git push <staging> master

    Push other branch to remote git

    git push -f <staging> <branch name>:master
  3. Check a Postgres server

    heroku pg:info --app <appname-staging>

    If no Postgres server, add it

    heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql --app <appname-staging>
  4. Set ALL the config variables (following are just part of them)

    heroku config:set BUNDLE_WITHOUT=development:test --app <appname-staging>
    heroku config:set RACK_ENV=production --app <appname-staging>
  5. DB migration

    heroku run rake db:migrate --app <appname-staging>
  6. Restart & Open

    heroku restart --app <appname-staging>


    heroku open --app <appname-staging>
  7. Check staging app status

    heroku ps --app <appname-staging>


  1. Do we need to add the staging ENV setting?
  2. If delete the staging app, check that removing the git remote -v or not. If git remove didn't remove, we can use the same staging app name and same git remote. Or to change staging app name and the git remote
    git remote rm <staging>
    git remote add <staging><newappname-staging>.git
    git push <staging> master