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chinyakao edited this page Jun 2, 2022 · 1 revision

description: which service corresponds to which function of the application?


  • FindAuthenticatedGoogleAccount: service to return an authenticated user, or nil. e.g. id, email, username, access_token


  • TransformResponsesToCSV: service to transform Launch.responses to CSV file
  • TransformDBSurveyToHTML: service to create HTML strings: title & array of each survey page
  • TransformSheetsSurveyToHTML: service to create HTML strings: title & array of each survey page


  • StoreResponses: send message(responses_hash) to queue

Retrieve Surveys

  • GetSurveyFromDatabase: return an entity of survey from database
  • GetSurveyFromSpreadsheet: return an entity of survey from spreadsheet

Manage Surveys

  • StartSurvey: get update survey in spreadsheet then store in db and return the updated survey
  • CloseSurvey: close the survey and launch, return launch entity with close state

Modify Surveys

  • CreateSurvey: create a new template survey
  • CopySurvey: copy the survey to a new one
  • DeleteSurvey: delete survey in db and spreadsheet, return delete_survey
  • UpdateSurveyOptions: return updated survey entity with new option, only db is updated
  • EditSurveyTitle: return updated survey entity with new title, both spreadsheet and db are updated