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Antonin Abhervé edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 1 revision
package org.modelio.junit.command;

import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.modelio.api.modelio.model.IModelingSession;
import org.modelio.api.modelio.model.ITransaction;
import org.modelio.api.modelio.model.IUmlModel;
import org.modelio.api.module.IModule;
import org.modelio.metamodel.mmextensions.infrastructure.ExtensionNotFoundException;
import org.modelio.metamodel.uml.infrastructure.Dependency;
import org.modelio.metamodel.uml.infrastructure.Stereotype;
import org.modelio.metamodel.uml.statik.Class;
import org.modelio.metamodel.uml.statik.Package;

public class TestCaseCreator {

    public boolean createTestCase(Class classToTest, IModule module) {
        // Check that there is no already existing test class
        for (Dependency dep : classToTest.getImpactedDependency()) {
            if (dep.isStereotyped(module.getName(), "JUnitDependency")) {
                        "Command cannot be applied: class already has a test case");
                return false;

        IModelingSession session = module.getModuleContext().getModelingSession();
        try (ITransaction t = session.createTransaction("Create a test case")) {
            // Build the test class name
            String testClassName = classToTest.getName() + "Test";

            // Get the package parent of the test class
            // The getTestCaseParentPackage() returns an IPackage
            // which is created on the fly if necessary (ok as we are in a transaction)
            Package testCaseParentPackage = getTestCaseParentPackage(classToTest, module);

            // Create the class using the convenient factory method createClass()
            Class testClass = createTestClass(session, testClassName, testCaseParentPackage);

            // Add the << JUnit >> stereotype to the class
            stereotypeTestCase(testClass, module);

            // Link test class to the class to test
            linkTestCase(classToTest, testClass, module);

            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Report error to the log
            return false;

    private Class createTestClass(IModelingSession session, String testClassName, Package testCaseParentPackage) {
        IUmlModel model = session.getModel();
        Class testClass = model.createClass(testClassName, testCaseParentPackage);
        return testClass;

    private Package getTestCaseParentPackage(Class classToTest, IModule module) {
        IModelingSession session = module.getModuleContext().getModelingSession();
        try (ITransaction t = session.createTransaction("Create test hierarchy")) {
            // Creating/updating the test model hierarchy

            // TODO for now, create the test class in the same package as the class to test
            Package parent = (Package) classToTest.getOwner();

            return parent;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Report error to the log
            return null;

    private boolean stereotypeTestCase(Class testClass, IModule module) {
        IModelingSession session = module.getModuleContext().getModelingSession();
        try (ITransaction t = session.createTransaction("Stereotype a test case")) {
            Stereotype s = session.getMetamodelExtensions().getStereotype(module.getName(), "JUnit", module.getModuleContext().getModelioServices().getMetamodelService().getMetamodel().getMClass(Class.class));
            if (s != null) {
                // Add the stereotype to the class
                return true;
            } else {
                        "Stereotype JUnit not found, check your installation");
                return false;

    private boolean linkTestCase(Class classToTest, Class testClass, IModule module) {
        IModelingSession session = module.getModuleContext().getModelingSession();
        try (ITransaction t = session.createTransaction("Stereotype a test case")) {
            //Create the dependency
            IUmlModel model = session.getModel();
            model.createDependency(testClass,classToTest, module.getName(), "JUnitDependency");

            return true;
        } catch (ExtensionNotFoundException e) {
                    "Stereotype JUnitDependency not found, check your installation");
            return false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Report error to the log
            return false;
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