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Antonin Abherve edited this page Sep 4, 2020 · 4 revisions

Compiling the Modelio plugins

Configure Eclipse
  1. Launch Eclipse

  2. Set the current workspace to the root directory of the modelio_sources

  3. Import the modelio plugins projects

  4. Run ‘File / Import’

  5. Choose ‘General / Existing Projects into Workspace’

  6. Select your current workspace directory, and validate.

  7. Configure the ‘target’ definition

  8. Go to the RCPTARGET project

  9. Open the file

  10. In the “Target Definition” window, click on the “Set as Target Platform”

Set as Target Platform

Eclipse should now be displaying the modelio.plugins projects in the workspace tree.

  1. From the Eclipse menu, launch the ‘Project/Clean’ command

  2. From the Eclipse menu, launch the ‘Project/BuildAll’ command

  3. Check for compilation errors

Test the build

You can test Modelio by running it into Eclipse.

  1. Find the ‘PRODUCTS/ project in the workspace tree and unfold its contents.

  2. Open the ‘modelio-os.product’ definition. This opens an Eclipse editor on it.

  3. In the opened Editor launch the ‘Launch an Eclipse application’ command.

fig 1

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