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Contextual Bandit Distributionally Robust Optimization (cb_dro)

Paul Mineiro edited this page Jan 23, 2020 · 1 revision

--cb_dro activates distributionally robust optimization for contextual bandits.

What is Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) ?

DRO is an approach to regularizing machine learning models via optimization against the worst-case distribution which is “plausible” given the empirical data[1]. The hope is better generalization. Contrasted with Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM), which optimizes directly against the empirical distribution, DRO can be viewed as optimizing a lower bound.

Depending upon how “plausible” is defined in the previous paragraph, different DRO schemes result. The one we use here is related to the material in Empirical Likelihood for Contextual Bandits but with important differences:

  • We utilize squared divergence rather than log to get an exact closed-form dual solution.
  • We operate over a data stream rather than in batches.
  • To track non-stationary we maintain the sufficient statistics for the dual solution with geometric decay (c.f., --cb_dro_tau below).

How to use it

Specifying --cb_dro on the command line activates the code, which is intended to work in conjunction with any other ADF contextual bandit command line arguments (e.g., --cb_adf or --cb_explore_adf with any --cb_type etc.). As an example, RunTests -c 205 does the following

% ./RunTests -c 205
Test 205: (/usr/bin/timeout 80 ../build/vowpalwabbit/vw --cb_dro --cb_adf --rank_all -d train-sets/ -p cb_dro_adf_sm.predict --cb_type sm) >/dev/null 2>cb_dro_adf_sm.stderr
RunTests: test 205: stderr OK
RunTests: test 205: cb_dro_adf_sm.predict OK

This is based upon test 188 which is the same command line without --cb_dro

% ./RunTests -c 188
Test 188: (/usr/bin/timeout 80 ../build/vowpalwabbit/vw --cb_adf --rank_all -d train-sets/ -p cb_adf_sm.predict --cb_type sm) >/dev/null 2>cb_adf_sm.stderr
RunTests: test 188: stderr OK
RunTests: test 188: cb_adf_sm.predict OK

Extra arguments

The defaults are reasonable but you might find better performance by tuning the parameters, especially --cb_dro_tau.

  • --cb_dro_tau float_between_0_and_1 (default: 0.999): This is the time constant for geometric decay of the sufficient statistics maintained by the algorithm. The default value corresponds to a time constant of 1000 examples.
  • --cb_dro_wmax positive_float (default: inf): This is the largest possible importance weight you expect. If your logging policy has a minimum probability minp for all actions then wmax = 1/minp and specifying it will tighten the estimates.
  • --cb_dro_alpha float_between_0_and_1 (default: 0.05) This is the confidence level for the lower bound. As alpha approaches 0 the confidence interval becomes extremely wide, and as alpha approaches 1 the optimization becomes ERM.


  • It doesn't always improve things. YMMV, so experiment with the switch on and off.
  • Increase the learning rate when using --cb_dro. More aggressive optimization is required because the optimization objective is more conservative.
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