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Contextual Bandit Zeroth Order Optimization

Jack Gerrits edited this page Jan 4, 2021 · 1 revision


CBZO is a contextual bandit-style algorithm meant for multi-dimensional, continuous action space. It can learn different policies based on Zeroth-Order Optimization -- continuous optimization techniques which make use of gradient estimators that only require values of the function to make an estimate. The variant of CBZO currently implemented in VW works in the 1-dimensional action space setting and can learn either constant or linear policies. The algorithm has optimal bounded regret when the cost function is smooth and convex.

Setting and the Algorithm

Let the policy to be learnt by the algorithm, which maps contexts to actions be where is the context.

As mentioned earlier, the two variants of currently implemented are:

(constant policy)

(linear policy)


Assuming to be the cost function, it is minimized as:

Using the 1-point gradient estimator and chain rule, we arrive at:

where is a uniform pmf over and can be computed precisely since is known.

Importantly, by using the fact that is known, we remove the dependence of sample complexity on while suffering only dependence; the gap can be huge especially when is very large.

Implementation note: A small interval around , one for each value of , are loaded into the VW prediction to get back in the label.

Usage in VW

The --cbzo option enables usage of this algorithm. It is written as a new base learner and thus doesn't make use of other reductions in VW.

Label Type

The label type is VW::cb_continuous::continuous_label, same as the one cats_pdf uses

Prediction Type

The prediction type is VW::continuous_actions::probability_density_function, same as the one cats_pdf uses

VW Text Format

Single-line format similar to CATS


  • --policy [arg] - one of constant, linear. Defaults to linear
  • -l [arg] - learning rate
  • --radius [arg] - the radius of exploration . Defaults to 0.1
  • --l1 [arg] - l_1 lambda (L1 regularization)
  • --l2 [arg] - l_2 lambda (L2 regularization)
  • --no_bias_regularization - don't regularize bias

Example Usage

vw -d [data_file] --cbzo --policy linear -l 0.01 --radius 0.1

However, the natural way to use cbzo is interactively and not by learning from a data file. In fact, producing a data file that can be useful in learning is not natural because the action to be used in a label is dependent on what prediction was made earlier on the unlabelled example (which had the same context).

Given below is an example to use cbzo interactively using VW's Python API.

from vowpalwabbit import pyvw
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def main():
    vw = pyvw.vw('--cbzo --policy linear -l 0.01 --radius 0.1 --quiet')

    costs_progress = []

    for _ in range(500):
        # Get context from environment
        ctx = Environment.next_ctx()

        # Determine what action to take for this context by calling predict()
        # on an unlabelled example (which includes the context)
        ex = vw.parse(' | c1:{} c2:{}'.format(ctx[0], ctx[1]), labelType=vw.lContinuous)
        pred = vw.predict(ex)

        # A list (length=2) of pdf segments are returned. Sample
        # action from them
        action, pdf_value = sample_action(pred)

        # Get cost for the action and pass it to VW by creating
        # a labelled example
        cost = Environment.cost(ctx, action)
        ex = vw.parse('ca {}:{}:{} | c1:{} c2:{}'.format(action, cost, pdf_value, ctx[0], ctx[1]), labelType=vw.lContinuous)



We create a synthetic environment where the optimal action is linear
and the cost is the absolute loss function
class Environment:
    wopt, bopt = [-3, 5], 0.5
    rs = np.random.RandomState(0)

    def next_ctx():
        return, 1, size=(2,))

    def cost(ctx, action):
        optimal_action =, ctx) + Environment.bopt
        return abs(optimal_action - action)

Samples action from the prediction.
pred is of the form [(left1, right1, pdf_value1), (left2, right2, pdf_value2)]
def sample_action(pred):
    # the next line is equivalent to p = [0.5, 0.5]
    p = np.array([pred[i][2] * (pred[i][1] - pred[i][0]) for i in range(2)])
    idx = np.random.choice(2, p=p / p.sum())

    return np.random.uniform(pred[idx][0], pred[idx][1]), pred[idx][2]

def plot(costs_progress):
    _, ax = plt.subplots()
    costs_progress = pd.Series(costs_progress).rolling(10).mean()
    ax.plot(costs_progress, marker='.', markersize=2, linewidth=1)
    ax.set_ylabel('Cost (rolling mean)')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Progress of the algorithm is seen in the figure saved: image

By passing the --audit option, it can be confirmed that the weights learnt by cbzo are close to the optimal/target ones used by the synthetic environment.

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