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Deprecated Wiki: Windows Build

Jack Gerrits edited this page Apr 29, 2019 · 1 revision

Build requirements

  • Visual Studio 2013 AND Visual Studio 2015
  • Run the following from Windows Command prompt (cmd.exe) to restore nugets. Just restoring in Visual Studio isn't enough, as the build definition already depends on one of the nugets (ANTLR).
  • Don't upgrade the solution to Visual Studio 2015. The C++ is not compatible yet.
cd vowpalwabbit
.nuget\NuGet.exe restore vw.sln


Azure Unit Tests

Create required Azure resources using

Create vw_azure.config in your local checkout folder (or any parent of it):

  storageConnectionString = <storage account key>
  inputEventHubConnectionString = <eventhub connection string>
  evalEventHubConnectionString = <eventhub connection string>

Run Visual Studio as Administrator (elevated) as the Azure hosted trainer creates and writes to performance counters.

Random tips

  • Select x64 platform (Configuration Manager \ Active solution platfrom)
  • Select x64 as test platform (Test \ Test settings \ Default Processor Architecture)
  • Don't trust the Visual Studio 2013 debugger on stack frames in C++/CLI. We observed bogus values. Moving to C++ or C# everything was correct.
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