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19.1 Release notes and distribution specific instructions

Ralf Becker edited this page Sep 15, 2019 · 25 revisions

Please read the 19.1+ Installation instructions first, they are not repeated here again!

How to install EGroupware GmbH's EPL version

If you update or install EPL, you have to install the Community Edition first!

The update described below will remove the EPL packages, of cause leaving your data intact. To install the EPL source / run the EPL container you need your credentials and run the following command:


It will ask your EPL repo credentials, add them and the EPL image to your docker-compose.yml file and start the EPL container.

Ubuntu 18.04 & 16.04 or Debian 10

For new installations or updating from EPL you need to add our server:eGroupWare repo first:

echo 'deb /' | \ 
   sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/server:eGroupWare.list
apt-get install gnupg # required, but not installed by apt-key add
wget -nv -O - | \
   sudo apt-key add -

For Ubuntu 16.04 please replace in the above instructions "xUbuntu_18.04" with "xUbuntu_16.04", for Debian 10 use "Debian_10".

Then you need to run for new installations as well as upgrades explicitly (apt upgrade alone is not sufficient!):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install egroupware-docker

If you prefer to use Nginx on the host for a new installation, you can do so by adding nginx to the install command above. This is not supported for an upgrade!

Our Ubuntu package recommends Rocket.Chat and Collabora Online Office, which mean they will be installed by default, unless you opt out by using --no-install-recommends in the above apt-get command. Doing so you have to take care of explicitly installing MariaDB! Of cause you can always deinstall them after testing, if you prefer to use something else.

Ubuntu 16.04 does not provide a docker-compose package/command, therefore we provide one in our repository.

Debian 9

Debian 9 does NOT contain a package. You can use Docker CE by following this instructions, or the short version here:

apt update
apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
apt update
apt install docker-ce
# due to known bug docker-ce wont start unless you reboot the maschine

Please verify that docker is running, after the reboot, our installation will not run without:

systemctl status docker

Now you can follow the Ubuntu/Debian instructions above using "Debian_9.0" instead of "xUbuntu_18.04".

Even as Debian 9 does not provide a docker package, it provides a too old docker-compose package/command, therefore we provide a current one in our repository.

openSUSE 15.1 & 15.0 or SLES 15 & 12

If you have automatic updates enabled or run zypper update manually update to 19.1 will happen automatic!

For new installations or updating from EPL you need to add our server:eGroupWare repo first:

zypper addrepo

For openSUSE 15.0 please replace in the above instructions "openSUSE_Leap_15.1" with "openSUSE_Leap_15.0", for SLES use "SLE_15" or "SLE_12".

Then you need to run for new installations or updating EPL:

zypper refresh
zypper install egroupware-docker

or to update an existing installation

zypper update

Our SUSE packages recommends Rocket.Chat and Collabora Online Office, which mean they will be installed by default, unless you opt out by using --no-recommends in the above zypper command. Doing so you have to take care of explicitly installing MariaDB! Of cause you can always deinstall them after testing, if you prefer to use something else.

SLES does not provide a docker-compose package/command, therefore we provide one in our repository.

RHEL or CentOS 7

If you have automatic updates enabled or run yum update manually, the update to 19.1 will happen automatic!

For new installations or updating from EPL you need to add our server:eGroupWare repo first:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

Then you need to run for a new installations:

yum install mariadb-server egroupware-docker

or updating EPL:

yum install egroupware-docker

or to update an existing (non-EPL) installation:

yum update

RHEL/CentOS does not provide a docker-compose package/command, therefore we provide one in our repository.


Keep in mind, that you can NOT use localhost to address a service eg. PostgreSQL inside the container, as it does NOT refer to the host, but the container itself. You have to use the IP address of the host or the docker0 bridge AND make sure the service is not just bound to localhost!

While an update of a PostgreSQL instance works similar to MariaDB/MySQL, a new installation does not happen automatic!

  1. Edit /etc/egroupware-docker/docker-compose.yml and add the following to the environment section:
  1. remove the, so EGW_SKIP_INSTALL takes effect
rm -f /var/lib/egroupware/
  1. start the containers as usual with: docker-compose up -d
  2. Go to and do a manual installation
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