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19.1 Installation using egroupware docker RPM DEB package

Ralf Becker edited this page Jul 17, 2019 · 22 revisions

The 19.1+ installation is based on Docker, even for the DEB or RPM packages. The only requirement for the host system is Docker and for DEB/RPM packages a recent MariaDB or MySQL.

There is no difference in most parts of the installation between community edition (CE) and EGroupware GmbH EPL version. Same is true for an in-place upgrade from 17.1 and a new installation.

19.1 is currently in release-candidate phase, and therefore in a different package repository then the old stable version 17.1. This will change, once 19.1 is officially released.

You first need to create a repository file for your Linux distribution and version and import the key for it. I'll show it here in details for Ubuntu 18.04, for other distributions use this link.

Run the following commands as root on Ubuntu 18.04 to install or update EGroupware:

echo 'deb /' | \ 
   sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/server:eGroupWare:trunk.list
wget -nv -O - | \
   sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install egroupware-docker

This will use Apache as webserver on the host for new installation and whatever was already used for updates. If you prefer to use Nginx for new installations, just add "nginx" before egroupware-docker in the above command.

If this is a new installation and you missed the credentials of your first EGroupware admin user "sysop" or the EGroupware setup user "admin", you can always find them under /var/lib/egroupware/egroupware-docker-install.log.

How to install EGroupware GmbH's EPL version

The update described above will remove the EPL packages, of cause leaving your data intact. To install the EPL source / run the EPL container you need your credentials and run the following commands:

docker login
User: <your-username>
Password: <your-password>
cd /etc/egroupware-docker
sed -i 's#egroupware/' docker-composer.yml
docker-compose up -d

Some more technical information what the installation is actually doing

  • the package will install docker, docker-compose and MariaDB-server, if not already installed
  • it will install a docker-compose file and some Apache and Nginx config files in /etc/egroupware-docker:
  1. docker-compose.yml starts the docker containers
  2. egroupware-nginx.conf is the configuration of the internal Nginx container
  3. apache.conf or nginx.conf are the configuration for the webserver on the host
  • EGroupware files will be store (as usual) in /var/lib/egroupware on the host
  • it will start the following container:
  1. egroupware Ubuntu 18.04 based container with PHP 7.3 FPM and the EGroupware sources
  2. egroupware-nginx Alpine based container with internal Nginx server
  3. egroupware-watchtower automatic updating all containers to new version, if available, at 4am daily

How to install third party or deprecated apps

The following apps, which are deprecated since 14.3, are no longer part of 19.1:

  1. egroupware-epl-wiki
  2. egroupware-epl-sitemgr
  3. egroupware-epl-phpbrain
  4. egroupware-epl-compat

They can however be installed from 17.1 repo or are kept in case of an update.

They will work with the 19.1 container, as docker-compose.yml passes /usr/share/egroupware from the host into the container as /usr/share/egroupware-extra. The container entrypoint script copies them into the volume shared between egroupware container and Nginx.

This mechanism can also be used to add arbitrary third-party apps to an EGroupware running in a container:

mkdir -p /usr/share/egroupware
git clone <git-url>
docker restart egroupware

How to view error-log of the webserver

In case of an error you can look at the error log with the following command:

docker logs -f egroupware

How to install Collabora Online Office

After EGroupware 19.1 is installed and working, you can add Collabora by installing our egroupware-collabora-key package from the stable / 17.1 repo (server:eGroupWare instead of server:eGroupWare:trunk).

If you prefer to use / test with CODE Collabora Online Development Edition you can change the container image in from "" to "collabora/code":

cd /etc/egroupware-collabora-key
sed -i '' docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d
docker cp /var/lib/egroupware/default/loolwsd/loolwsd.conf egroupware-collabora-key:/etc/loolwsd
docker-compose restart

(Please note that CODE is limited in the number of concurrent users, while our image supports the licensed number of users.)

How to install Rocket.Chat

After EGroupware 19.1 is installed and working, you can add Rocket.Chat by installing our egroupware-rocketchat package.

In contrary to our hosting or trials, Rocket.Chat in an on premise installation requires several configuration steps in EGroupware and Rocket.Chat, see the separate chapter in this wiki.

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