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Leveling Systems

MashXP edited this page Aug 3, 2023 · 1 revision

Level Systems

Dogs level up when being given treats. Each treat can level a dog up to a certain level until it reaches the maximum "normal" level of 60, then the maximum "dire" level of 30 (in a total of 90).

Normal leveling

The normal leveling system is the default leveling path, in which the dog just gains more Talent Points as well as an additional 1 HP with every level. Once it reaches the maximum level for this path, it has total health of 27 HP.

Dire Leveling

The dire leveling system goes beyond the normal leveling path, in which the dog just gains more Talent Points as well as additional health with each level. Once it reaches the maximum level for this path, it will not only have total health of 30 HP, it will also be immortal and begin to gives out Purple Particles (this can be configured).

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  • Dire Treats can level the dog up to level 30, which is the maximum level for the dire leveling system.

Talent Leveling

You can use the Talent Points that your dog gained from leveling up to get and upgrade their talents. Each talent has a maximum level of 5. As default, dogs start off with 15 points (which is enough to maximize one talent). As each talent levels up, it takes the number of points as the next level in order to upgrade it, as the following goes:

  • It takes 1 point to get the talent (level 1).
  • It takes 2 points to upgrade to level 2.
  • It takes 3 points to upgrade to level 3.
  • It takes 4 points to upgrade to level 4.
  • It takes 5 points to upgrade to level 5, the talent's maximum level.

Each talent provides the dog a special benefit once it is at the maximum level. More information can be obtained about each individual talent on the Talents page.

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