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Extending The Project

DashieDev edited this page Apr 6, 2023 · 7 revisions

This is where you can find documentation to get to know the system and make your extensions compatible with it.

Resource Packs

This is arguably the most preferred way of extending the mod asset without modifying its code. You can use this to add various things to further customize it to your liking. By using resource packs, you have the ability to encapsulate your work and dynamically add it to the game without even restarting Minecraft! You can even share your work if you want.

Most of the dog texture assets will be contained in the entity texture directory of the dog which your resource pack may provide, which is


Adding Skins through Resource Packs

Doggy Talents by itself, provides a selection of skins that players can choose out of the box. But creators can always add more, as much as they want due to the fact that there is no defined limit in the mod.

A popular example that you can refer to is the Doggy Talent - Dog TP by SilverstarShiro!

To start adding your own skins, follows the following steps:

  • Under the dog texture directory of your resource pack, create another subdirectory called custom.
  • From there, you can begin adding your texture files which are modeled after the vanilla wolf default model. The texture resolution must be exactly a multiple of 64x32.
  • Additionally, Doggy Talents also supports 3 different variants of the ear and tails while which variant of the tail or ear is being rendered is solely dependent on the texture file where each variant corresponds to a fixed UV coordinates and will be rendered if the pixel values in that coordinates are occupied. The exact coordinates and dimensions for each of the variants are following
    + texture : [16, 14]
    + dimension : [2, 2, 1]
    + texture : [16, 14]
    + dimension : [2, 2, 1]
    + texture : [16, 14]
    + dimension : [2, 2, 1]
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