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MashXP edited this page Sep 17, 2023 · 1 revision

Here are the documented configs:

Client Configs:

Dir: <your_minecraft_folder>\config\doggytalents-client.toml

Dog Render

  • Enables the particle effect on Dire Level 30 dogs.

    enable_dire_particles = true

  • When enabled, dogs with points in pack puppy will have chests on their side.

    render_chest = true

  • If disabled will use the default Minecraft wolf skin for all dog textures.

    enable_dt_textures = true

  • When enabled, dogs with points in guard dog will have armor.

    render_armour = false

  • When enabled, dogs with points in wolf mount will have a saddle on.

    render_saddle = true

  • When enabled, Dogs will have wings when at level 5 pillow paw.

    render_wings = false

  • When enabled, Dogs will show injured texture while incapacitated.

    render_incapacitated_overlay = true

  • When sneaking, a part of the dog's name will be rendered with a certain color and the length of the part is based on the health percentage the dog has left

    render_health_in_name = true

  • Turn this on to use the old Dog GUI instead.

    use_legacy_doggui = false

  • Render a universal dog inventory access button in your inventory GUI. If this is turned off, you can still access the button via the dog's GUI in Talents > Pack Puppy.

    dog_inv_button_in_inv = true

  • If the default incapacitated texture proof too much graphic. You can substitute this friendlier texture instead.

    render_incap_txt_less_graphic = false

Server Configs

Dir: <your_minecraft_folder>\saves\<your_world_name>\serverconfig\doggytalents-server.toml

Dog Constants

  • Disable hunger mode for the dog

    disable_hunger = false

  • When enabled you will spawn with a guide, Doggy Charm and Command Emblem.

    enable_starting_items = false

  • When enabled, dogs will be randomly assigned genders and will only mate and produce children with the opposite gender.

    enable_gender = true

  • When enabled, puppies get some levels from parents. When disabled, puppies start at 0 points.

    enable_pup_get_parent_levels = false

  • The time in ticks it takes for a baby dog to become an adult, default 48000 (2 Minecraft days) and minimum 0 (Range: > 0)

    time_to_mature = 48000

  • Determines if dogs should whine when hunger reaches below 20 DP.

    whine_when_hungry = true

  • When enabled, dogs will path and eat editable items in the world.

    eat_food_on_floor = true

  • When enabled, dogs cannot be killed by any mean (except creative-mode-bypass damage, in that case you can still respawn your dog using his linked bed or commands). Instead, when his health reaches Zero, he will go into Incapacitated Mode.

    immortal_dogs = true

  • When enabled, dog can play tag with you. To make them play, throw a snowball at them.

    play_tag_with_dog = true

  • When enabled, dogs will start to miss you when you leave them for too long and when you come back, they will rush to you and greet you with love!

    dog_greet_owner = true

  • Specify how many dogs can greet you when you approach more than one missing dog.The remaining dog will remain in their position. To disable the limit, set this to any non-positive integer. Although this will cause all of your dogs to stand up and greet.


(Range: > -2147483648)
`dog_greet_owner_limit = 5`
  • Option to disable dogs who mastered creeper sweeper and are able to tackle creepers. This is helpful if players intend their creeper sweeper master dogs to focus on fighting creeper instead of warning you, which may cause a bunch of false positives due to the range is so wide that it includes creepers that are not in the danger zone or not reachable.

    max_creeper_sweeper_dont_growl = true

  • Option to disable friendly fire for all players toward all dogs. This is used to always be the case with friendly fire disabled for a single dog.

    all_player_cannot_attack_dog = false

  • Option to prevent dogs from accidentally go into a portal and get unecessary transfered to another dimension, causing the owner to take them back. The preffered way to make a dog go to another dimension is to have Cross Origin Teleport set to true on that dog.

    all_dog_block_portal = true

  • Define how many dogs a player can listen to commands which summon more than one dog to you

  • at the same time. Set this to any negative value to remove the limit completely.

    (Range: > -2147483648) max_heel_limit = 20

  • Prevent dogs from pushing each other when navigating, this prevents dogs from pushing

  • another dog into a dangerous area and improve navigation.

prevent_dogs_pushing_each_other = true

  • Configure how many ticks it usually take for the dog to drop one hunger unit.

    (Range: > 10) tick_per_hunger_dec = 400

Talent Configs

Dir: <your_minecraft_folder>\saves\<your_world_name>\serverconfig\doggytalents-talents.toml

You can disable talents by setting the value to false.

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