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05 Configuring MCU

matthova edited this page Feb 27, 2017 · 2 revisions

Configuring your MCU instance

  1. Per the instructions in step 4, ssh into your Raspberry Pi.
  2. From the ssh terminal type "sudo raspi-config" and then hit "enter"

    During the following steps, enjoy the retro blue screen. Warning, your mouse is no good here. You can navigate by using the arrow keys on your keyboard. You can select a highlighted option by hitting "enter" on your keyboard

  3. Select "1 Expand Filesystem" and hit "enter".

  4. After the SD card is done resizing, select "OK" by hitting "enter".

  5. Navigate to "9 Advanced Options" and select it by hitting "enter".

  6. Navigate to "A2 Hostname" and select it by hitting "enter".

  7. Read the naming convention rules and then hit "enter"

  8. Erase (with backspace) the existing name "mcu" and replace it with a unique name, appropriate for the gantry that it will be connected to. i.e. "bot1".

    Be sure to keep track of the new name.

  9. After you have entered the desired name, hit "enter".

  10. Select "Finish". You have to use the "right" arrow in order to highlight it.

  11. Select "Yes" when asked to reboot.

    Don't worry. This will not restart your computer, this will only restart the Raspberry Pi.

    When the Pi reboots, the PuTTY connection will be lost; go ahead and close the terminal window.

  12. Your device should now be available at "http://unique-name.local", or per the name used in these instructions "http://bot1.local". Open Chrome and enter the appropriate url.

    Give the Raspberri Pi up to a minute or two to reboot; if your browser can't find the page at the url "http://your-bot-name.local", refresh until it shows up. If it takes longer than 5 minutes, there is a problem.

    Be sure to include "http://" or else the website may not load.

    If everything is set up correctly, your web-browser should look like this:

Your Raspberry Pi is now set up with MCU!