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Load individual files or dot source the files

Mötz Jensen edited this page Nov 2, 2018 · 4 revisions

When we release a new version of the module all functions are compiled into one big commands.ps1 file. This is because we want the module to load as fast as possible.

It has some drawbacks in relation to troubleshooting and tinkering with the module after you have installed it from

If you need to change any on the functions on the machine where you installed the module, you can adjust the loading logic, before loading the module and have it load every single function from its source file instead of the compiled commands.ps1.


Exit you current powershell console and start a entirely fresh powershell console, without loading the module.

Set-PSFConfig -Value $true
Set-PSFConfig -Value $true 
Import-Module -Force -Passthru
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