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Getting Started with GitHub

Mötz Jensen edited this page Oct 22, 2018 · 4 revisions

If you have never worked with GitHub/Git it can be challenging to know where to begin. The purpose of this page is to just simply provide some good references (bookmarks) that can help you get started more quickly....and easily.

Understanding the process/tools

How to Github: Fork, Branch, Track, Squash and Pull Request

Contributing to Projects with GitHub Desktop

Actually doing it

Learning Git Branching - Online lab of sorts for trying out and learning Git command line.

Creating your first pull request

If you feel for fixing a bug, but don't know GitHub enough, the project has a good starting guide. We are on the same team, so instead of us writing a guide that is close to theirs - we simply point to theirs step-by-step guide.

Really cool tutorial site!


Note: This entire page is deeply inspired by the work done over in the module. Pay them a visit and learn from the very same people as we did.

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