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Iury O. G. Figueiredo edited this page Aug 26, 2016 · 1 revision

A help on Tkinter events

Tkinter is an event driven based library, it means that tkinter has a mainloop that processes events then dispatch them. There are handles/functions that are mapped to these events, whenever an event occurs a handle is called with an object that characterizes the event.

The kind of events that are used in most with vy are the ones that happen when a key is pressed. A set of common events that happen when keys get pressed is shown below:

It means that the key 'h' was pressed while the Control key is kept pressed.

It means that the key 'F1' was pressed.

It means that the key 'h' was pressed regardless of it being released.

It means that the key 'h' was released.

The return key/enter.

The key '1' was pressed.

Other events that may be interesting are:

It happens when an widget gets focus, like when you click on it with the mouse.

When an widget loses focus.

It happens when a file is loaded in a given AreaVi instance.

It happens when data is saved in a given AreaVi instance.

These events are passed as strings to the Widget.bind method. The AreaVi class inherits such a method but it uses another method to map events to callbacks.

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