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Example Webhook output

netwolfuk edited this page Oct 25, 2022 · 14 revisions

Legacy Webhooks

In the 0.9.x.x versions of the tcWebHooks plugin there are five payload formats included. These formats are also available in the 1.1.x.x versions, but WebHook Templates may be more convenient (see below).

  1. JSON
  2. Tailored JSON
  3. Name Value Pairs
  4. XML
  5. None

For most of the above formats, the output simply the conversion of the Payload object into the relevant format. This does not provide for much customisation of the payload content, and also means that all detail in the payload object is sent to the webhook endpoint. This is mainly historical, as I assumed most endpoints would be custom anyway, but it seems that most people using the tcWebHooks plugin are sending messages to third party endpoints.

There is some customisation available for adding extra properties to the payload. For more information on adding extra properties, see WebHook Parameters.

WebHook Templates

Since the 1.1.x.x there is a new template concept, in which the output is templated by creating a template containing a specific payload. This template can then be used by any webhook configured in TeamCity.

Example Templates include:

  • Flowdock: A template for sending JSON formatted messages to the flowdock service.
  • ElasticSearch: A template for POSTing events to the Elastic HTTP REST service.
  • Slack (in development): For posting to a Slack channel.

A UI for building one's own templates has also being developed (since since 1.1-alpha11.180.231), so that one can build new templates from scratch or based on an existing template.