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More Information about Testing

Emma Sax edited this page Jul 20, 2015 · 3 revisions

The does a brief explanation of testing. One thing we don't mention in the is that the database must already be set up in order for the rake db:test:prepare to run. To add tests, we use rspec, so feel free to add whatever tests you'd like to help!

In terms of serving Hubstats locally, the url to go to (once you run bundle exec rails s) is http://localhost:3000/. This will take you to Hubstats, where hopefully you'll be able to play around, see your own data, and see what Hubstats would look like as part of an application. When serving locally, Hubstats will use the hubstats_development database (the testing database is for the rspec tests, so don't bother adding any data to that).

Best of luck with all of your Hubstats testing endeavors!