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Contributing to Hubstats

Emma Sax edited this page Jul 20, 2015 · 2 revisions

Sport Ngin would love to have contributions or improvements to Hubstats! If you'd like to contribute, just:

  1. Fork Hubstats by using the fancy little fork button in the top right corner
  2. Make a new branch for you to commit your work to
  3. Make a pull request to merge back into master. Make sure you clearly document your changes: what the changes are, why you suggest we could use them, what benefit they'll have to Hubstats. Also mention if there are any new migrations, new commands, or anything else we should be aware of.
  4. Wait for someone to get back to you (hopefully it won't take us too long!)
  5. Wait for us to merge your PR!

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to bring up an issue in the Issues sidebar on the right, or you can make a new page on the Wiki and write to it there. Again, hopefully it won't take us too long to address.

Lastly, we'd love to know if you're using Hubstats or working on Hubstats! We love open source here at Sport Ngin! So, feel free to make a page and write to the wiki about your Hubstats experience or what you'd like us to improve!

Thanks in advance!