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Lea Goetz edited this page Mar 27, 2017 · 6 revisions

This is an - as yet - unordered collection of things that we frequently encounter in applications. If you can avoid them/ follow the advice here, you can easily improve your application.

Be specific and provide a proof of concept/example

  • "I will try to use predict/classify/fit X"


  • "I will use Shogun's algorithm A, to predict/classify/fit X based on the features y1, y2 and y3 of Y."

even better:

Whenever you say something like this, it would be great if you could back the statement up with some proof of concept. That could be a plot or even using Shogun in a very simple way. This can be as simple as comparing histograms or averages, but would make a great addition for the application.

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