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Sergey Lisitsyn edited this page Mar 1, 2017 · 1 revision

The Great Amalgamation


  • [Sergey](Sergey Lisitsyn)

Difficulty & Requirements

Medium to hard. It would require good understanding of libraries and different languages. C++ and JavaScript would be important skills.


The name of this project comes from amalgmation in the mxnet library, the process of combining whole model into a module with a few to zero dependencies.

In python this could work like

import pretrained_model


in JS it could be something even more dynamic

fetch('/model/1').then(...).then(model => model.apply(features));

More description to come.

Why this is cool

No devops likes to manage dependencies. Making Shogun able to compile models into simple modules that require no deps would be a way into real production systems.

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