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Heiko Strathmann edited this page Jan 21, 2018 · 11 revisions

Improving the user experience

Let's make it easier for people to use and develop Shogun. For users, we would like to cover: user API & pipelining, parameters defaults and descriptions, exception handling, documentation & examples. In a second step, for scientists/developers, we would like to cover: plugin architecture, internal API (e.g. linear algebra), simplification.


Difficulty & Requirements

Medium. The biggest challenge of this project is the vast scope -- you will touch a lot of Shogun's internals, both framework and ML code. Good planning required!

You need know

  • C++, Python
  • How Shogun's interfaces work, aka SWIG.
  • Shogun's new parameter framework, aka tags
  • Exception handling
  • Machine Learning basics
  • Other ML libraries (with good APIs)


Here are some sub-projects. We are open for more:

NOTE: A GSoC project will address multiple (or ideally all) of those topics.

Base API design

We would like to put effort into cleaning and re-designing the current user API. That is, the API that is accessed through SWIG and that is exposed via our examples. That is not the internal C++ API. As a motivation, have a look at e.g. our very basic learner class: CMachine. Observe how many methods there are, and how confusing this must seem to new users. Your task is to simplify this. This will include: renaming existing classes and methods, adding new methods, re-factoring existing classes, maybe even adding new classes. Most important, we want to make the new API very minimal.


  • Have a look at these notes for some initial ideas and examples.
  • Write a few complete user stories (API usage example, see the notes for some examples) for common ML cases. This requires some research: what are fundamental ML tasks that should definitely be covered, how do other libraries do it?
  • Turn your insights on how the API should look like into a summary: a class diagram for example.
  • Come up with a set of API changes in Shogun required to serve the user stories. This will include adding/renaming/removing.
  • Work incrementally, one "use-case" at a time.

Topics to cover:

  • Clean up our learner base class CMachine, and make it follow the de-facto standard of fit/predict
  • Remove all "casting" methods from Shogun, they are not needed anymore since we have tags. I.e. remove all ::obtain_from_generic calls, remove apply_regression, apply_binary etc.
  • Merge preprocessor and converter as they do the same thing. Clean up their API.
  • Implement some of the operator chaining ideas from the notes. This is a bigger topic and will require some code logic that implements the ideas. Could take a few weeks but results in a really cool improvement.
  • Remove all copy methods (that create a copy of an instance), but rather implement copy constructors and rely on clone for deep copies.
  • There is way more here to do, but you get the idea :)

Exception handling

Shogun's current exception handling is flat, i.e. it always throws the same type of exception. Our error messages are sometimes good (if the developer was motivated), and sometimes quite bad -- they don't tell the user what she did wrong. This part of the project is to introduce a (small) set of defined exceptions and populate Shogun with them. Examples: DimensionMismatch, OutOfBound, NotConverged, NotSet. The next step is to connect them to the SWIG interfaces. Some planing/prototyping is needed here.

API example coverage

We would like to see all of Shogun's API covered in the meta examples (which also makes them be integration tested). We currently do lack examples (and cookbooks) for

  • StringFeatures
  • Fast SMVs in Shogun
  • Dimensionality reduction
  • many more ...

This project will involve writing at least 2-3 cookbooks per week (other projects need 2 examples without a cookbook), to increase coverage.

Parameters, defaults, and documentation

Machine Learning algorithms crucially depend on well-chosen parameters. While you can tune them automatically with Shogun (takes long though), a user sometimes simply wants to run an algorithm out of the box. Therefore, Shogun's default parameters should be sensibly chosen by the people who know what they are doing: the developers. Furthermore, users might be interested in what the parameters do, so we need to make it easy to read their descriptions without opening a web-browser.

In this part of the project, you will

  • Make sure (i.e. test with real-world examples) that the default parameters of Shogun are well-chosen. Compare the choices to other libraries. One that does a particularly good job in sklearn.
  • Implement a nice way to expose parameter documentation (currently done via doxygen, see the API) at runtime. This is likely to be done via the tags framework. We could for example see a Python script that reads parameter documents in tags and then makes sure they appear in the doxygen API. Example: help(svm) (we have that already, but it needs polish), help(svm.C). This should also work for all target inferfaces.
  • Update @brief descriptions of Shogun's algorithms (some are good, some are completely missing)


Anything else that sucks about using Shogun? Put it in here :)

Is this project for you?

You like thinking about API design? You like things to be neat? You enjoy exploring existing code-bases? You like to have an impact on Shogun?

Why this is cool

This project will massively improve Shogun's usability, and therefore has a potentially significant impact on the project's user-base. You will get exposed to a lot of Shogun's internals and have a say in design decisions that will impact face of Shogun.

Useful resources

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