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Future of Shogun Brainstorming

Soeren Sonnenburg edited this page Jun 6, 2013 · 8 revisions

shogun features wishlist:

  1. OpenMP support
  2. replace SG_REF + SG_UNREF with smart pointers (maybe c++11?)
  3. support for drop-in replacement for std malloc (memory managment). e.g. jemalloc
  4. thread pool
  5. add CSGObject::clone() that implements clone() for all the derived classes
  6. implement baseline ML algorithms that are almost in every other ML library are available
  7. documention/howto/examples for each and every algorithm we have in shogun. the examples preferable implemented in python
  8. large scale
  9. SGString -> SGReferencedData
  10. SGSparse* -> SGReferencedData
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