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Community Projects

C. Augusto Proiete edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 18 revisions

What are community projects?

Community projects extend Serilog with new features and integrate it with other libraries and frameworks.

Available projects

Logo Name Description
Destructurama! Extends Serilog's complex type destructuring with attribute support, custom policies, and framework/language-specific integrations.
Nancy.Serilog Nancy plugin for application-wide logging using Serilog.
NServiceBus.Serilog Adds support for sending NServiceBus logging messages through Serilog.
SerilogMetrics SerilogMetrics extends the logging framework with measure capabilities like counters, timers, meters and gauges.
SerilogWeb Integrates Serilog request logging into popular .NET web app frameworks including ASP.NET and OWIN.
Suave.SerilogExtensions Suave (F# web framework) logging integration.
Serilog.Settings.Delegates Configuration extensions using delegates
Giraffe.SerilogExtensions Dead simple library to integrate Serilog within Giraffe or Saturn apps with F#
Serilog.Enrichers.ExcelDna Enriches Serilog events with information from your Excel-DNA Add-in.
Serilog.NodaTime Adds support for logging NodaTime types with Serilog
Compact Log Format Viewer A cross-platform app for reading and querying Serilog's JSON/CLEF file format
Prism.Logging.Serilog Integrates Serilog with the Prism library for WPF, UWP, and Xamarin Forms
Serilog.Enrichers.Sensitive Mask sensitive data using a Serilog enricher
ExcelDna.Diagnostics.Serilog Integrates Excel-DNA Diagnostic Logging with Serilog within an Excel-DNA add-in
Akka.Logger.Serilog Integrates Serilog with Akka.NET
Serilog.UI A simple Serilog log viewer for several sinks, including MSSqlServer, MySql, Postgresql, MongoDB, and ElasticSearch

Can I list my project?

Yes! Please drop us a line via the Serilog issue tracker and we'll add it here. If you're building a sink, it'll probably belong on the Provided Sinks page instead.