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C. Augusto Proiete edited this page Jan 27, 2023 · 26 revisions

Maintaining good quality documentation is a priority for Serilog. If you find missing or inaccurate content, or if you'd like to extend the wiki with a topic or tutorial, please let us know via the issue tracker.

Why Serilog?

Like many other .NET libraries, Serilog provides basic diagnostic logging to files, the console, and so-on. It is easy to set up, has a clean API, and is portable between recent .NET platforms.

Unlike other logging libraries for .NET, parameters passed along with log messages are not destructively rendered into a text format. Instead, they're preserved as structured data, that can be written in document form to a NoSQL data store.

var input = new { Latitude = 25, Longitude = 134 };
var time = 34;

log.Information("Processed {@SensorInput} in {TimeMS:000} ms", input, time);

Serilog message templates use a simple DSL that extends the regular .NET format strings. Properties are named within the message template, and matched positionally with the arguments provided to the log method.

This example records two properties, SensorInput and TimeMS along with the log event.

The properties captured in the example, in JSON format, would appear like:

{ "SensorInput": { "Latitude": 25, "Longitude": 134 },
  "TimeMS": 34 }

The @ operator in front of SensorInput instructs Serilog to preserve the structure of the object passed in. If this is omitted, Serilog recognises simple types like strings, numbers, dates and times, dictionaries and enumerables; all other objects are converted into strings using ToString(). 'Stringification' can be forced using the $ operator in place of @.

The :000 segment following TimeMS is a standard .NET format string that affects how the property is rendered (not how it is captured). The standard console sink included with Serilog will render the above message as:

09:14:22 [Information] Processed { Latitude: 25, Longitude: 134 } in 034 ms