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slivne edited this page Oct 11, 2015 · 1 revision

Check list for a release

  1. Passed all unitests
  2. Passed all dtests
  3. Install rpms on fedora / centos and check:
    1. cassandra-stress is working
    2. nodetool is working
    3. cqlsh is working
  4. Start an AWS cluster via the AMI and check:
    1. Check scylla-server and scylla-jmx process start correctly
      1. ps aux|grep -E 'scylla | jmx' to check Scylla and JMX process are started.
      2. If the instance has >= 8 cpus, you should see (--cpuset 1-7 --smp 7 parameter for scylla. N is the number of cpus - 1.)
    2. Check the number of live nodes equals the number of nodes you started curl --silent -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" "http://`hostname`:10000/gossiper/endpoint/live/";echo
    3. nodetool works nodetool info, nodetool status
    4. cassandra-stress cassandra-stress write n=100000 -node <ip>
    5. cqlsh cqlsh <ip> -e "select * from system.local;"
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