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OpenLayers 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities

Andreas Hocevar edited this page Dec 27, 2023 · 2 revisions

OpenLayers is a full featured mapping library with an emphasis on performance and interoperability, licensed under the permissive BSD-2-clause license. OpenLayers is a recognized OSGeo project, managed by a steering committee with contributors worldwide.

You can sponsor us directly through GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective, or through the OSGeo foundation, which we can request an annual budget from.

The OpenLayers project is asking for your financial assistance for the following tasks:

Flat styles

With the introduction of WebGL rendering, OpenLayers gets a new styling language similar to the Mapbox Style definition. It will be available for both Canvas2d and WebGL rendering, and allow offloading parts of the styling and rendering work to web workers for improved rendering performance.

Documentation and examples

The OpenLayers website provides several learning and reference resources, including quick-start guides, API documentation and an examples gallery. Recently, the included type definitions have become another important resource. Keeping these up-to-date and improving them ensures that beginners and developers can work with the library in an efficient way.

Code maintenance

OpenLayers is a community project, with a significant amount of code written by occasional contributors. Reviewing pull requests, increasing test coverage, fixing bugs and modernising build tools and language features are time consuming tasks that are usually not backed by companies. Your contribution supports developers to get compensated for at least some of the day-to-day work that keeps the wheels of OpenLayers spinning.


Releases are published on a regular basis. Curated release and upgrade notes help uses decide if they want to upgrade, and which changes are required in applications that use the library.

Code sprints

For major library changes, developers gather in person at code sprints. In addition to travel and accommodation costs, your contribution ensures that individual contributors who are not backed by a company get paid for their work during code sprints.


OpenLayers committers present workshops and talks at relevant conferences, like FOSS4G and their local events. Your financial contribution is used to cover preparation time, travel and accommodation costs that are not backed by a company.

OSGeo budget 2024

For 2024, the OpenLayers project requests a total budget of 3,000 USD from OSGeo.

This is intended to cover:

  • Operational budget to assist team activities like code sprints, presentations, workshops: 1,500 USD
  • Travel and accommodation budget for presenting OpenLayers at conferences: 1,500 USD