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Release Steps

matthew w edited this page Nov 23, 2015 · 5 revisions

Copy list below to start a new release issue.

- [ ] Release is scheduled and a ticket to track the release process is created.
- [ ] Tag release on `webmaker-core` repo.
- [ ] Generate signed APK.
- [ ] Release notes are drafted in the ticket.
- [ ] Ticket is assigned to deploy APK to beta channel.
- [ ] Coordinate release for Browser viewer if relevant (bump version of `webmaker-core` in `webmaker-browser`'s `package.json`).
- [ ] Once APK has been released to beta channel wait about 4 hours.
- [ ] QA beta on several devices (flag people to test in release ticket) (Set tag: `Needs QA`).
- [ ] Once everyone flagged for QA approves the release, change tag to `Passed QA`.
- [ ] Check crash logs to ensure that no significant problems were reported.
- [ ] Promote beta APK to production.
- [ ] Send out email with release notes.
- [ ] File issues for follow up research.
- [ ] Close the release ticket.