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Mostly offline java caching diagrams

Mike Kamermans edited this page Aug 5, 2015 · 2 revisions

The following page operations were switched from from "routed through api.wmo for every operation" to a queued modification system, where all modifications are aggregated and then communicated all at once to api.wmo when the page view is left to return to the project view:

  1. element creation
  2. element deletion
  3. element modification en-place (translation, rotation, zoom)
  4. element modification by using the "edit" functionality
  5. link element modification by using the "set destination" button

The diagrams of how things work, with java-caching and bulk-save when leaving "page" for "project:


Updates via the element editor follow the same "track change, only save as part of pre-leave-bulk-call" concept, but getting the data into, and out of, the element editor is a little more work:


Updates via tinker mode call save on the element before changing view to Tinker mode, so tinker mode simply checks java for data in the edited-element cache bin, and puts data back as edit-element (these correspond to what element.jsx and page.jsx use, too):


Updates to the link button destination can occur in two different ways, one initiated via the link editor, the other via the "set destination" button while in page view:
