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Overriding Values

andymorton edited this page Aug 10, 2011 · 3 revisions

To override the default values, use the info.txt, either in the main folder or in each category folder. All values are set as k=v

Main Feed Values


Override the title of the podcast


Override the description of the podcast


Override the copyright of the podcast

Category Values


Allows the user to specify "Author=Dr Bob Smith" and "Dr Bob Smith" will appear in the podcast as the author


Allows a template to be applied to the description e.g. Template=Awesome Podcast (%s) - %s

For file 20110808.Unit7.GitHub_Concepts.AwesomePodCast.mp3

would have description of "Awesome Podcast (Unit7) - GitHub Concepts"


This will override the description template for individual files.

e.g. 20110808.Unit7.GitHub_Concepts.AwesomePodCast.mp3=One Awesome Podcast

For file 20110808.Unit7.GitHub_Concepts.AwesomePodCast.mp3

would have description of "One Awesome Podcast"

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