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Operating Details

andymorton edited this page Aug 10, 2011 · 1 revision

The operation is as such:

Take the main directory and obtain a list of files & directories in that directory. All files starting with '.' are ignored. Each folder in the main directory is taken as a category. For each category, a list of files is retrieved. Again all '.' files are skipped. If an info.txt file exists, then it is parsed to get info on the category such as author Each file is then parsed.

Each file takes should take the format .... This is because the files were being made available outside of the podcast.

The date is in the format yyyymmdd The unit is a sequencial string value, ie Unit1 / UnitX The description can be anything - all '_' are replaced with ' ' to allow readable descriptions in iTunes, while still enforcing a 'non-space' filename. The category, again, is a throwback to the fact that the files are being downloaded outside of the podcast.

If its an .mp3 then its audio. If its an .pdf then its marked as notes. If its an .mpg then its marked as video.

All the MIME types are updated based on the above.

Once all files in all the modules have been covered, the basic feed info is set and the file is written out.

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