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What is this app?

This application was developed because I needed a quick way to take a folder structure
and turn it into a podcast feed. The structure was there, I just wanted to use it.
So I wrote this, and with the use of the mighty Dropbox, hosted everything, all synced.

If you need to generate a podcast and have all the files just ready (on your server or otherwise)
then this is a handy little app to generate the xml for you.

Quick start
Once built, just alter the lib/standard-podcast-context.xml, and execute run(.sh|bat)
It should take care of the rest.
The folder structure should be


Placing a info.txt file in either the category folder or the mainFolder allows you to override the defaults
and provide more info, like Author,Custom Descriptions and Description Templates
A full list of all options will appear here soon!

Ensure all libaries are there in the lib folder and run the build script:

ant -f build.xml

This will build and test the podcast generator.

A list of all libraries used should be in the lib folder.

Testing is performed as default. 
However, please see the testpack, and the test.xml for more info on how this works.
For those who are short of time, it basically runs the podcast Generator against the
testpack and compares it with the test file.

Use run.(sh|bat) to run it, or alternatively, add the respective libraries to your classpath and run the class

java -cp $CP com.morty.podcast.writer.PodCastCreationRunner <context file>

where the <context file> is the setting file.

Other Info

Be aware that its not cool to have spaces in the name, so make sure each sub-directory and each file below
that does not have a space in its name!
This is particularly prevalent on Mac OS X as in iTunes it will not recognise a URL with a space in it (as per
the spec), but it Windows it will be fine.


Simple Java based Podcast Generator







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