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API examples. Lite DB

Emil Rainero edited this page Apr 27, 2017 · 3 revisions

Create a database

Call new LiteDatabase() to create a database. It's ok if database already exists. It will just open it.

using LiteDB;
LiteDatabase db = new LiteDatabase(@"testing.db");

Create a collection

public class CustomerDataLdb
    [BsonId] // the unique identifier
    public string Username { get; set; }

    public string Password { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public Dictionary<string, string> Properties { get; set; }

LiteCollection<CustomerDataLdb> _customers;

string collectionName = "customers";

if (db.CollectionExists(collectionName)) // can check if collection already exists

// create new collection or get it if it already exists
_customers = db.GetCollection<CustomerDataLdb>(collectionName);

Check if a collection exists

if (db.CollectionExists("customers")) {
    Debug.Log("It exists!");

Delete a collection


Enumerate all collections in database

foreach (string collectionName in db.GetCollectionNames())

Insert into a collection

var customer = new CustomerDataLdb() { 
    Username = "username", 
    Password = "password", 
    Email = "" 

Find an entry in a collection

var entry = _customers.FindOne(a => a.Username == "username");
if (entry != null)
    Debug.Log("Found " + entry.Username + " " + entry.Email);

Delete an entry in a collection

_customers.Delete("username"); // matches against the [BsonId] field Username

Update an entry in a collection

entry = _customers.FindOne(a => a.Username == "username");
if (entry != null)
    entry.Password = "secret";

Count number of entries in a collection

Debug.Log("Customers: " + _customers.Count());

Iterate over all entries in a collection

foreach (CustomerDataLdb customer in _customers.FindAll())

Hope this helps.