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[1.7.10] Getting Started

cheaterpaul edited this page Jul 2, 2021 · 1 revision

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Vampirism is a mod that adds a whole new way of playing Minecraft. You may have previously spent a lot of time avoiding mobs, but as a Vampire, you will develop a thirst for killing :)

You may want to explore more than normal, which is why I suggest installing a few other mods that help with that. Some kind of mapping mod to help you find your way around and something that gives you a few more inventory slots is a good idea. To encourage exploration, we have added more villages in more biomes. The villages in swamps are especially interesting.

First steps

You will start out as a regular player, to become a vampire you have to be bitten by a vampire. So either let them hit you on purpose or just wait until it happens by accident. When they hit you there is a chance, you receive a potion effect called "Sanguinare Vampiris" which lasts a Minecraft day. After the potion has ended, you become a vampire. In case you don't want to become one, you can always cancel the effect with a milk bucket. Alternatively you can right-click with vampire fangs in you hand to inject some blood into you and get the same effect as above.

Once you become a Vampire, one of your main sources of blood (at least the best source) are villagers and you should find plenty of those. Watch out though, there are still Vampires that may attack you, same as when you are a regular player. The Vampire Hunters, however, will not attack you, when you are a level 1 Vampire.

As a Vampire, you need to watch how much blood you have. Suck blood by pressing 'F' from Villagers and from some mobs to get more blood. Extra blood can be stored in a Blood Bottle. If you want to transfer blood between the Blood Bottle and the Blood Bar use right click or shift right click on the mouse. You will know which mobs you can't get blood from, as you will receive damage trying to suck their blood. In the beginning you will be a level 1 vampire (the level is displayed above your XP-level) and have improved speed, health and strength.

To get to higher vampire levels you have to perform different rituals. When you get above a certain level, Vampires will no longer attack you, but Vampire Hunters will. As you advance through levels your abilities improve, but some disadvantages like sun damage might appear.

Happy hunting!