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[1.7.10] Advanced Vampire Hunter Names and Faces

cheaterpaul edited this page Jul 2, 2021 · 1 revision

Advanced Vampire Hunter Names and Faces [WIP]

To make the advanced vampire hunters more unique their names and faces are chosen from a list of contributors, supporters and patreons.

Who can become a Hunter NPC

The decision who is on this list is purely made by the mod authors Maxanier, Mistadon and wildbill22,
but if you are a helpful contributor, loyal participant in Vampirism's forum thread or patreon of any dev you have good chances of getting onto this list.

What you can choose

If we decide to add you to the list, you can choose a name (e.g. "The amazing <username>") and decide whether we should take the face from your skin or use a default one.
The name you choose shouldn't be inappropriate and somehow fit in the game (e.g. "The amazing P3t@er" does not fit).
If your face should be included, it also should fit somehow (e.g. no spiderman face) , otherwise we will only take the name.

Since the textures are dynamically generated they also update if you change your skin, but this also means that we might remove your face from the list if it does not fit anymore.

Current list

The list itself is retrieved online so we can quickly add or remove things from it. You can see the current version here.
If you think that any name or face on the list does not fit, please make a post or PM on the Minecraft Forum