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Deployment Exception

Siminov Framework edited this page Aug 22, 2015 · 7 revisions

This is run-time exception, which is thrown if any exception occur at time of initialization of Siminov.

Android API: Deployment Exception

    public class DeploymentException extends RuntimeException {

        public String getClassName() { }
        public void setClassName(String className) { }

        public String getMethodName() { }
        public void setMethodName(String methodName) { }

        public String getMessage() { }
        public void setMessage(String message) { }

iOS API: Deployment Exception

    @interface SICDeploymentException : SICSiminovCriticalException

    - (id)initWithClassName:(NSString* const)className methodName:(NSString* const)methodName message:(NSString* const)message;


Windows API: Deployment Exception

    public class DeploymentException : SiminovCriticalException 

        String GetClassName() { }
        void SetClassName(String className) { }

        String GetMethodName() { }
        void SetMethodName(String methodName) { }

        String GetMessage() { }
        void SetMessage(String message) { }

JavaScript API: Deployment Exception

    function DeploymentException() {

        this.getClassName = function() { }
        this.setClassName = function(className) { }

        this.getMethodName = function() { }
        this.setMethodName = function(methodName) { }

        this.getMessage = function() { }
        this.setMessage = function(message) { }