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Simply Innovative edited this page Jan 18, 2016 · 83 revisions

Siminov Core (Object Relationship Mapping) - Wiki

Siminov Core is a open source Object/Relational Mapping solution for all different environments - (Android - Java, iOS - Objective-C|Swift, Windows - C#, OS X - Objective-C|Swift). It maps data from an object model representation to a relational data table representation (and visa versa).

Siminov Core not only takes care of the mapping from model classes to database tables (and from Model data types to SQL data types), but also provides data query and retrieval facilities.

1. Project Setup

1.1 Obtaining Core

1.2 Setting Up Application

2. Building Application

3. Start With Core

3.1 Initializing Core

3.2 Handling Database

4. Event Notifiers

5. Database API's

5.1 Data Types

5.2 Basic Database APS's

5.3 Database Utils API's

5.4 Database Aggregation API's

5.5 Database Transaction API's

5.6 Handling Database Relationship's

5.7 Making Transaction Thread Safe

6. Database Upgrade

7. Database Encryption

8. Database Layer

9. Handling Libraries

10. Exceptions

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